These are the stories from JOFA in Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda, Senegal and Mali from the three years of the project. Stories of commitment, hard work, and impact fighting violence against children.
- The parenthood schoolIn 2021, Joining Forces for Africa (JOFA) Project introduced the Parenting without Violence (PwV) approach in Bungoma County. The program aims to equip parents and caregivers with the necessary skills to solve problems in partnership with their children, in order to prevent physical and humiliating punishments in households. The PwV sessions involve children, fathers, mothers, caregivers, and communities in an effort to transform gender norms, power dynamics, and culturally accepted practices that contribute to violence in the home. […]
- PlanZ: empowering children to end violenceAbiya is among 210 children from Korogocho in Nairobi, Kenya, who have been enrolled in PlanZ – a child participation model implemented by the JOFA Project. PlanZ a Human-Centered Design methodology that empowers children and equips them as active agents of change to come up with solution and ideas to ending violence against children. […]
- Two years teaming up with childrenAfter the results of the Joining Forces For Africa (JOFA) Project Child Protection Needs Assessment at the end of year one and the subsequent Mid-Term Review conducted in July 2022 revealed the need for further psycho-social support interventions, TeamUp was incorporated into the JOFA Project implementation in year two and three. […]
- Parenting without violenceThe PwV approach has enabled JOFA Project to work with children, caregivers and communities to support families to better communicate and solve problems together, and encourage adults to view children as rights holders and understand their children’s development. […]
- A turn on my journeyEmoit is one of the 1,500 boys and girls, from Busia County in Kenya who are Child Rights Club members, and beneficiaries of life skills intervention offered by JOFA Project. […]
- The men who know how to provide careMany parents and caregivers in Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya have minimal chances for participating in income-generating activities since most of the households in the camp rely on humanitarian support to access basic needs. […]
- Learning to careIn April, 2021, Pauline was identified by a Community Health Worker during home visits and was enrolled to JOFA Project, where she was introduced to the Parenting without Violence meetings. At first, she was hesitant to join the sessions for fear that it could remind her of her dark childhood experiences. […]
- Cindy’s new lifeWhile growing up, Cindy never imagined that her life would turn out to be so difficult. At the age of three, her parents died. Being the only child, she went to live with her paternal grandmother who struggled to cater for her needs. In 2010, she went to live with her aunt in Nairobi, Kenya. From the moment she set her foot in the city, things only worsened. […]
- Positive parenting mattersChild protection risks in Kakuma camp in Kenya include physical violence, sexual violence, child marriage, child labor and emotional violence. To tackle these problems, JOFA is promoting positive parenting practices among the community members. […]
- Building back betterWhen vulnerable children are affected by the COVID-19 crisis, their childhood disappears. Frequently, they found themselves out of school, forced to work or separated from their parents. JOFA is combining psychosocial help, follow up visits, and financial support to ensure no child is left behind. […]
- A journey into healingThrough private counseling and life skills sessions, JOFA is providing psychosocial and emotional support to vulnerable children affected by the COVID-19 crisis in Kenya. […]
- Want sustainable solutions? Ask children.To ensure that children can prevent, detect, and respond to violence against them, the JOFA project prioritizes life skills sessions through participatory sessions with children. […]
- Give me back my childhoodCase Management and Referral training organized by JOFA is a crucial tool to detect, monitor, and follow-up child protection violations in communities. […]
- Helping parents support their childrenMore than 3000 parents and caregivers are engaged in JOFA’s Parenting without Violence sessions to better protect their children. […]
Child participation in child protection
Child Participation and Advocacy
Parenting Without Violence
System Strengthening
- NasriaThe JOFA project is giving training in an elementary school in the Babile district, Ethiopia for 40 teachers and school management. They are learning how to provide psychosocial support. […]
- Providing protection services to children in refugee campsJOFA in Tsore refugee camp, is providing comprehensive child protection case management services to a total of 2,740 people including UASC and other vulnerable children. […]
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- Learning new ways to show your loveParenting without violence common approach has provided opportunities to strengthen mothers, fathers, caregivers and the wellbeing of children […]
- Sileshi Zenebe: Team Up in 5 minutesSileshi Zenebe, JOFA Consortium Manager Ethiopia explains how Team Up approach is helping children to overcoming their difficult situation. […]
- Teaming up with children in EthiopiaAlmost 20,000 Sudanese and South Sudanese refugees live in Tsore Camp in Ethiopia. Nearly half of them are children who fled their home country in search of a better life. Now, the JOFA project is teaming up with these children to help them recover from traumatic experiences. […]
- Halting child marriage through child participationChild marriage is a formal or informal union that takes place before the age of 18. This practice has a devastating impact on girls in Ethiopia, but by encouraging children to participate in community decisions, cases can drop dramatically […]
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Our methodogies
Team up Session in Assosa
- Teaming up to support children cope with stressTeamUp is a psychosocial approach developed by War Child Holland together with Save the Children and UNICEF Netherlands to provide social and emotional support to children through sports and movement activities. The approach has been implemented by JOFA. […]
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- Family mattersUgandan children are often expected to be completely submissive to the demands of adults, a dynamic that can sometimes lead to harsh emotional abuse if children are deemed to have spoken out of turn. […]
- Getting better on parenting skillsIn the 2018 violence against children survey in Uganda, findings shown that parents were the most common perpetrators of violence to children. According to the study, indicators of physical violence included punching, kicking, whipping, beating with an object, strangling, suffocating, attempted drowning, and burning intentionally. […]
- Defeating myths by focusing on childrenViolence against children in homes is deep rooted in Ugandan communities, widely spread and rampant. Spare the rod and spoil the child is an often-quoted justification for the continued violence against children. Here’s how JOFA is tackling this problem. […]
Child Friendly Accountability
Parenting without violence
Team Up
- La stratégie « Grin par Grin »Au Mali, le projet JOFA forme des clubs d’enfants à la protection et aux droits de l’enfant pour sensibiliser aux conséquences de l’exode rural en évitant que 45 filles n’abandonnent l’école. […]
- Le pouvoir du jeu pour protéger les enfantsLe jeu est un élément essentiel pour sensibiliser, mobiliser et engager les communautés à réfléchir sur les droits de l’enfant. […]
- Renforcer les liens familiaux pour mieux protéger les enfantsAu Mali le déficit de communication entre parents et enfants entraine beaucoup de problèmes dans la communauté (famille, école etc.) et se répercute sur l’éducation bienveillante des enfants. Certaines formes de violences notamment les mariages précoces ou forcés, les violences sexuelles, les grossesses non désirées découlent en partie de ce manque de communication. […]
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Redevabilité Sensible à l’Enfant
- Engagement des réseaux dirigéspar des enfants au SénégalLors du lancement du projet JOFA à Diourbel, au Sénégal, en décembre 2020, les enfants ont eu l’occasion de s’exprimer et de partager leurs expériences de la violence et des abus. Les enfants ont demandé que l’on prête attention à la protection des enfants pendant cette pandémie, d’autant plus que leurs parents ont des difficultés économiques à satisfaire leurs besoins et sont stressés, ce qui peut entraîner un comportement violent envers les enfants. […]
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Nos méthodologies

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