Fariha* is a student of class ten under Cox’s Bazar district of Bangladesh who lives with her family. Her father is a tomtom (local small motor vehicle) driver and her mother is a housewife. She has five siblings including one stepsibling. In the beginning of 2024, her family arranged a marriage proposal for her, and decided to marry her off.
Md. Tofael a community-based child protection committee member (CBCPC) got the news and came to know that Fariha who is going to sit as bride is still a young girl and is below the legal age for marriage. Tofael visited their house and talked to the family members of Fariha and found the truth. Md. Tofael explained the negative consequences of child marriage to her family. He also requested them to continue Fariha’s studies but the family didn’t agree.

At the same time, Md. Tofael communicated and shared the issue with the head teacher of her school where Fariha studies. With a joint effort including other CBCPC member including UP member of the area, they discussed with the family of Fariha and forced them to stop the child marriage. Finally, they agreed with the school teacher and CBCPC members to continue her studies. Now Fariha feels very well and wants to be a school teacher. As a part of the good initiative of CBCP, Tofael was very happy and gave thanks to others for supporting him to stop the child marriage.

Since 2022, BITA (Bangladesh Institute of Theatre Arts) has been implementing Joining Forces for Child protection in Emergencies (JF-CPiE) project at Fariha location with the support by Plan International Bangladesh.
Under the project BITA has been working with Community Based child protection committee (CBCPC) to strengthen their capacity to reduce the child protection risk and increase the protective factors to ensure child protection.
The project also has been working with school teachers to response mitigate the child protection risk and work in favor of children.
Other activities are community awareness meeting and session, parents meeting, Child Friendly Space (CFS) activities, integrated life skill session with adolescent’s boys and girls, CVA and TVET support for 18-24 ages youth and others.
After getting the training CBCPC members have come to know about the roles and responsibilities of CBCPC and different child protection risks. Apart from the training CBCPC members participate in monthly and quarterly meetings and discuss on child-related different issues.
Md. Tofael says “as a CBCPC members it was my responsibilities to stop child marriage in my community and I feel happy now.”
Fariha is also happy to continue her study and thanks to her family members, CBCPC and
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This publication was produced with the financial support of the German Humanitarian Assistance
Its contents are the sole responsibility of Joining Forces and do not necessarily reflect the views of the German Humanitarian Assistance.