Hailu is a 42-year-old man living in Gubalafto district, Ethiopia. He has three children; two girls and a boy who have not yet reached 18.
His main source of income is farming, goat rearing and selling wood. Before the emergency, Hailu enjoyed good living standards like the middle-income farmers in the area.
He generated additional income from selling wood. He was also able to meet the needs of his family with his own efforts.
However, following the emergency, his assets were looted, and he was separated from his children. Due to the material destruction brought on by the emergency, he didn’t have money to buy vegetables and fruit seeds to cultivate his land.
Hailu was targeted by the kebele selection committee as a member of VSLA group due to his status as vulnerable person. He then became a member of VSLA group which is organized by JF-CPiE project and received training in nutrition and garden planting. The training lasted for two days and was conducted with the partnership of ChildFund and the agriculture office. Then he was provided with 240 gm of carrots and 50gm beetroot seeds as startup capital.
Hailu cultivated his land and planted carrot seeds at end of June 2023, and harvested the carrots in the first week of October.
He produced 3 quintals of carrots which he sold for 9,000 ETB (150 euros). He recently bought Shashemene tomato seeds with 3000 ETB to cultivate tomatoes instead of carrots. He used the remaining 6000 ETB to buy school materials, clothes and food items for his family.
He produced 3 quintals of carrots which he sold for 9,000 ETB (150 euros). He recently bought Shashemene tomato seeds with 3000 ETB to cultivate tomatoes instead of carrots. He used the remaining 6000 ETB to buy school materials, clothes and food items for his family.
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This publication was produced with the financial support of the German Humanitarian Assistance
Its contents are the sole responsibility of Joining Forces and do not necessarily reflect the views of the German Humanitarian Assistance.