Joining Forces for Child Protection in Emergencies / Central African Republic

A glimmer of hope for GBV survivors in Central African Republic

More than 17,831 cases of GBV were reported in CAR between January and September 2022, exceeding by 53% the total number of cases reported in 2021.

Central African Republic (CAR) has been facing a severe GBV crisis, exacerbated by socio-cultural norms that disadvantage women and girls, as well as the ongoing conflict and insecurity in the region. Recognizing the urgent need to combat this issue, JF-CPiE undertook a comprehensive intervention program. The selected case revolves around a survivor of GBV who experienced sexual violence during her underage years. This selection is based on the gravity of the situation and the intention to shed light on the experiences of those most affected by GBV in CAR.

Before participating in the project, the situation faced by Rina was filled with profound challenges and issues. As 17-year old fatherless orphan and a 6th-grade student in Benzambé, Rina’s daily life was abruptly disrupted when approached by a member of the Central African Armed Forces. The perpetrator forcibly took hold of her hand and led her into an office, using intimidation and threats to silence any potential outcry. Rina vividly recalls the harrowing experience, stating, “He pointed his weapon at me. He took advantage of my silence to remove my clothes and sexually abused me. It was the first time for me and I knew nothing about him, not even his name.” 

Returning home, the physical consequences of the assault became apparent as the teenager experienced heavy bleeding. To avoid further scrutiny, she deceived her aunt by falsely attributing the bleeding to her menstrual cycle. However, three months passed without the occurrence of their menstrual cycle, deepening the gravity of the situation.

The interruption of her education due to the pregnancy left the young woman in a vulnerable position as her aunt lacked the necessary resources to provide for her basic needs. In this time of despair, she sought assistance through a trusted community member, leading her to the Regional Department of Social Affairs, who subsequently referred her to SOS Children’s Villages for her best. 

As she aptly expresses, “I felt hopeless, sad, and discouraged with my life. Discovering the project gave me a glimmer of hope.” 

In response to the survivor’s distressing ordeal, the JF-CPiE swiftly intervened, providing comprehensive support to address her immediate needs and support her journey towards healing and empowerment. Through a collaborative approach, JF-CPiE obtained her consent to engage her in case management, conducting a clinical interview to gather crucial information and identify her immediate needs. This process formed the basis for developing a consensual action plan.

The project provided psychosocial and psycho-emotional support, significantly reducing the Rina’s psychological suffering. They also provided her with a hygiene kit to improve her practices and foster autonomy.

Recognizing the importance of medical care, SOS CV referred her to Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) for comprehensive medical support, including consultations, treatments, and vaccinations. The survivor’s livelihood and social rehabilitation were enhanced through cash support, enabling her to establish a small commerce. The organization also facilitated the survivor’s referral to relevant law enforcement and judicial authorities for legal assistance, entrusting the Regional Department of Social Affairs with the legal aspects. 

Through this multidimensional approach, JF-CPiE addressed Rina’s psychosocial well-being, medical needs, livelihood opportunities, and legal support. These interventions have had a profound impact, offering her a sense of relief, stability, and hope, paving the way for a brighter future.

“Before I felt sad and isolated. After, the support I managed to overcome shame and sadness. I accepted to live well despite the abuse, because I now I understand that I cannot change what had happened to me. It was not my fault”, says Rina.

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German Humanitarian AssistanceThis publication was produced with the financial support of the German Humanitarian Assistance
Its contents are the sole responsibility of Joining Forces and do not necessarily reflect the views of the German Humanitarian Assistance.