These are the stories from Joining Forces Child Protection in Emergencies case studies in Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Ethiopia and South Sudan. Stories of commitment, hard work, and impact protecting children in emergencies.
- A story of resilence and hopeA Mother’s Unwavering Love: A Story of Resilience and Hope in Wukro IDP Camp, Ethiopia In the heart of Wukro town, Tigray region, Ethiopia, within a crowded internally displaced peoples (IDP) called Kisanet camp, a mother, Weyni, and her six-year-old child, Sami displaced from Western Tigray four years ago wait for support. The father, a […]
- ChristineAu Burkina Faso, Christine, une mère bénéficiaire du projet JF-FS & CPiE indique comment le programme de parentalité positive et le système d’épargne ont renforcé ses capacités et ses activités économiques. Je me nomme Christine, je suis originaire d’une commune située à une cinquantaine de kilomètres de la ville de Kaya a Burkina Faso. Je […]
- RaissaRaissa est une enfant séparée (ES), survivante de viol et vivant avec le VIH qui réside sur le site des déplacés internes situé à 3 km de Bria en République Centrafricaine. A l’âge de 9 ans, l’adolescente a perdu ses parents. Ces derniers ont été tués par les groupes armés pendant la crise en 2017 […]
- Nur Nahar’s Story of Resilience and EmpowermentIn the vibrant community of Jaliapalong, Ukhiya, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, the story of a single mother stands as a testament to determination and the transformative power of support.Nur Nahar, a single mother and person with a disability as well, living along with her 11-year-old son at her parents’ house. Her life took a challenging turn […]
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- A mother’s story: Finding oneself, healing, and recovery through mother-to-mother support.Munuki Payam is a neighbourhood in Juba, the capital of South Sudan. The area often faces heavy rains that lead to flooding. These floods make it challenging for families to move around and even harder for children to stay safe. Many women and children experience violence, forced marriages, and health issues due to the flooding. […]
- Shofika“My hands became my voice” Shofika gestures, her fingers dancing through the air as she describes the intricate embroidery before her. Her practiced movements tell a story that her speech cannot, one of resilience, determination, and the quiet dignity of a young woman who refused to be defined by her limitations. In her previous life […]
- RaissaRaissa est une enfant séparée (ES), survivante de viol et vivant avec le VIH qui réside sur le site des déplacés internes situé à 3 km de Bria en République Centrafricaine. A l’âge de 9 ans, l’adolescente a perdu ses parents. Ces derniers ont été tués par les groupes armés pendant la crise en 2017 […]
- From Child Labor to School“Every day I worked 10-12 hours in a local shop. I would deal with customers, serve them, and sometimes carry goods for the shop. During the long days, I was provided with very little food that was barely enough to fill my stomach,” recounted 12-year-old Syed. Syed resides in the Rohingya refugee camp in Cox’s […]
- Cash Voucher Assistance: Accelerating hope for familiesAcross the small yard stands the humble adobe home of Salima (42), where she lives with her husband Abdul Gafur (55) and three children: Ayesha (22), Yasmin (18), and Rahim (17). The family’s bustling daily activities are vividly visible across the yard. As Salima was feeding their goats with grass, her husband Abdul and son […]
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- The Quest for Brighter days!In the southeastern corner of Bangladesh, Rehena, a 35-years old mother struggles with the daily challenges of raising four daughters. Having no boy child at Rehena’s womb, her husband got another wife with his cherished dream of having an male heir! Rehena’s husband, the family’s sole earner, works as a day laborer, earning 10,000 BDT […]

This publication was produced with the financial support of the German Humanitarian Assistance
Its contents are the sole responsibility of Joining Forces and do not necessarily reflect the views of the German Humanitarian Assistance.